You may have seen this.. but if not.. it makes for a great hiding place for all your pron if you share a pc
The invisible folder... (Follow this carefully and you should have no trouble..)
Right click on desktop and create a new folder..
Right click the folder and go to properties..
Go to 'customise' and 'change icon' to an invisible/blank one (Theres usually a few which have no icon.)
now you should have a folder with a name but no icon..
now goto rename the folder and when the name is highlighted (ready to write over) do/type the following..
Hold ALT and type 0160 then let go of alt and press return
The invisible folder
DO NOT DO THIS IN VISTA!!! You will get a folder you cannot remove or rename whatever you do. I got a BSOD on startup not sure if this caused it, but stay the hell away from this "trick" if you're running Vista.
If it didnt work then just read it again and do it carefully.. these instructions work
Registered Member #78 Joined: [ 18:27 ] [ 13 Mar 2004 ]
I'm pissed at FlaMiN right now. The folder can't be removed, moved, renamed or used for anything. Just sits there on my desktop for annoyance. FlaMiN you "#¤%¤%#"¤!!!