Philedelphia Project Einstein and 2 other scientists tried to make an invisible battleship during WW2. They somehow made it transport through time and space. After that, the crew started to BOND with the ship! Some of them got stuck in time, and spontaneaously combusted. we know about this today from a Russian scientist's notes.
Registered Member #55 Joined: [ 23:13 ] [ 03 Mar 2004 ]
Wow, didnt see that coming...... my bro is obsessed with MGS and he says 13 people run the whole USA and the president has no power and we have no power either and thoese 13people do it all for USA
Registered Member #658 Joined: [ 17:10 ] [ 13 Oct 2004 ]
Well. There really is NO Wyoming. My world history teacher says that there is no wyoming, thats where the FBI stores all the UFOs and like BigFoot and Elvis and stuff. Muaahahaha...oh yea, and Area 51 is just to draw peoples attention away from Wyoming, think about it...have you ever seen a liscense plate from Wyoming? I havent, and if you have, theyre with the government. Oh yea, and if you try to drive out there, youll fall off the face of the!! <span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited 18 Dec : 03:16 ]</span>
-Helicopter Pilots should remember, landing near the people who shot you down, is not a very good idea.- -Life is a video game, but you only spawn once, in a random location, usually in enemy territory, and of course punkbuster is enabled.-