Registered Member #1375 Joined: [ 14:43 ] [ 21 Jan 2006 ]
Well i also got problems joining most of the Servers, most of them kick me after the loading screen with a "data differs from server" error. Even tho the server title says it's for both Origin and Retail.
This is how i installed BF1942:
1. Battlefield 1942 CD v1.0 2. The Road to Rome CD v1.25 3. Secret Weapons of WW2 CD v1.45 4. Patch v1.45 to v1.5 5. Patch v1.5 to v1.6 6. Patch v1.6 to v1.61 7. Gamespy Patch for Retail CD
Same as 8 years ago really, apart from the Gamespy Patch.