Registered Member #2384 Joined: [ 15:51 ] [ 14 Oct 2010 ]
Political talk? About Europe? Muhahaha! Those dirty rich bastard bank managers should be send to the moon. Let them solve the crisis, not the regular hard working people. +1
Registered Member #4 Joined: [ 06:52 ] [ 20 Feb 2004 ]
Obama is an absolute failure. I really hope the GOP choose a good candidate which will return America to it's roots. While Newt Gingrich is not ideal he is good. Ultimately a Paul/Johnson ticket would be very interesting. Mitt Romney sucks. A nation that fought for its independence from an overpowering foreign power should never allow the federal government powers to have crept like they have.
While revenue has gone down which is acceptable. Spending has gone well above CPI which is not acceptable given the already large debts racked up by Bush and former leaders. Clinton had a surplus which was very good and this was largely thanks to him losing the house. While Obama has lost the house the Republicans have also failed to sure up the future of their country. As a leader Obama promised change. However, no change has been had. He has continued what Bush started with ever expanding government and has consequently placed a burden on all Americans. Unlike Japanese debt American debt is owned by foreign entities.
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Registered Member #988 Joined: [ 02:41 ] [ 31 Mar 2005 ]
I feel you deags. Politicians in the US suck ass for the most part. They're so pent up on getting the vote and doing what their party wants without thinking. It's really a shame when it comes down to big decisions and places where compromise is necessary
Registered Member #2384 Joined: [ 15:51 ] [ 14 Oct 2010 ]
You may be right, it's your opinion. But I think Obama is not a COMPLETE failure. He has done what Bush could never do: catch Bin Laden. This may be a reason for those terrorists to be more agressive... Well, I say: Blow 'em to the moon, so we don't have to care anymore about this whole Mid-East crap.
To much hype and unrealistic expectations surrounded Obama during his election. Basically, he was deemed a superhero before he even saved anyone. Poor fella was doomed from the start.
Registered Member #988 Joined: [ 02:41 ] [ 31 Mar 2005 ]
Mark, the honor of catching Bin Laden goes to the ones who physically did it and those involved in the planning. Things went up the chain of command and by the time it gets to Obama, its a simple, "Yes or no Mr. Prezidente?" So really I think neither him nor GWB should get credit for it.