Registered Member #1349 Joined: [ 23:04 ] [ 27 Dec 2005 ]
what bout the 9 series? I don't know much about them, but price/performance looks pretty good. plus they all have a $30 MIR right now link
[ 17:06 ] [ 30 Mar 2008 ]
The only 9 series released at this point I believe is is the 9600GT and the drivers out with it shows it's performance isn't good compared to the 8 series, high resolutions and enabling anti-aliasing in most games show it's weakness. Plus it is a mid ranged performing card, so it is basically not worth the money right now to buy it. I don't recommend it. Although, November comes the 9800GTX. Who knows what they will show.
i think i've decided on a laptop, after all I don't wanna be the guy that sits around in his dorm all day...But I of course would also like to play a game every once in a while, maybe as grafics intense as BF2, any suggestions mateys?